Image © Lin Jinging/Auraola LLC 2024
Projection Booth
do you have a hack for my wounds?
Projection Booth / the mind reels
Cans of memory-clips lie all over the brain. As stock memory reels arrive in personal projection booths — we project what happens next, we act and shoot the story of our personal and collective lives
Brain time is relative in our personal cosmos. That older memory may screen first, shaping the sequence. Loaded with imperfect perceptions, cellular celluloid may scratch — like old Kodak — and melt midway through the feature. The light scatters
What then shines through? What filters in? After a life watching comedies, tragedies, news clips, home movies, and the world stage — we view the same script differently. We picture a new scene, a new mind-set
Harnessing the brain’s relativity — its plastic capacity to change — to break a habit, pick a path, seek solace, write a new story –– is a red shift for the mind. Whether through practice, immersion or electro-magnetic mediation –– as the mind’s light bends, it may mend
what was once a whisper / is a broadcast now
each person is a platform / for ears close enough to bite –– Andrei Codrescu
Projection Booth is an exhibit that animates and explores the nature of projection within the mind, not merely in psychological terms, but also as it relates to aspects of neuroscience, healing and tantalizing postulates of how consciousness may emerge within the brain
Our series of video projections, spoken words and effects represent our vision and interpretation of how the mind changes over time (neuroplasticity). We’re interested in how harnessing that ability to change may heal and reveal proposed neural correlates of consciousness. As memory reels screen in our personal projection booth, we ‘project what happens next’ — this projection directs our actions. Through dynamic immersive light, we invite visitors to contemplate not only why and how we think and act the way we do, but how our thought patterns change over time. We aim to start a conversation about how the ability to ‘change our minds’ heals and helps reveal truths how and where consciousness lies
we are deeply grateful to Hugh Rogovy, Lulu Parent and Asher Rogovy of the Rogovy Foundation for their generous support of Projection Booth
Lin Jingjing is an internationally recognized installation performance video conceptual artist whose work is frequently on display in New York and Hong Kong. In April 2024, Jinging was cited as one of the top 10 artist participating in Art Basel Hong Kong. Her work is included in eleven museum collections and has been featured in over a dozen solo exhibitions, as well as more than twice that number of group shows. Profiled in the Tate and highly regarded, Jingjing describes herself as a multimedia conceptual artist who frequently employs experimental narrative techniques to present a possible future infused with absurd imaginings and humor. How perfect for us!
private event exhibit, NYC June 1-3 2024
image © Lin Jingjing | Aureola LLC 2024
(poem – video 1)
Boredom is the bedroom of monsters
What do we miss?
Do my forgotten memories live in you?
Can I visit your brain?
Are my old space toys there?
Something there is are you that something?
I walk with a map of someone’s life shining from the roots of my hair
Can you forget what’s not yours to forget?
Can you remember what never happened?
Do you forget before nature or witnesses do it for you?
E very thought is a missing ship
We each project a world — from inside to out
Realities differ —- translation is difficult
Do we misunderstand?
I am a vision looking for a way out of my head
Will we ever be safe from interior monologue?
The enemy is tedium tedium is the medium
Is this the world with clowns? Or did I land on the tear-duct orb
Have you thought about not expiring?
Which trench of history do we firmly remember?
My body —- spill-proof, but not quite
Do you have a hack for my wounds?
My blood will visit you later to tell you the story and how to forget
Should we give history a vacation?
In minds emptied of memory
no myth is lost
Selves shelved in cellular stores
Mind minus memory maintains essence
The entity connecting head and heart pulses through the baby cosmos
I tried to stumble my way out of the box of self
as best I could given the orders I had
Winnowed wires cabled the words
I traveled in all directions
Sleeping securely when everyone is gone
is a luxury you don’t have
The fear is always that we go away before we figure out why we came in the first place
I lift my head to the sentence to ask ‘where is your kindness now’
Rooted in foundational fibers
marrow of mind
Asterisks pulsing
literature calls for blood
Feeding the structure
my bones support your frame
Happy knowing both schedules and eternity
The dead lie like a heavy book cover on us
The palliatives of transcendence are the business of the young
A deaf bear in a forest cave licks a memory from his paw
We say a lot of nothings when there aren’t any humans around
Defaulting to backyard mind modes
swaying in woven wet ware hammocks
Your freedom extends no farther than the menu
Birds of hubris fly overhead all the time
Showing you how to shake your head
the space between
The great surprise is in having revealed an exact prior knowledge
Live as if you were art and had other purposes
Your charge:
change sense-signals to form
The language of affection does not starve itself
nor do the lights of well made poems
Not a shred of nostalgia anywhere
we haven’t laughed long enough yet
Let’s dowse in wet rocks for the spring of passion
Rearrange the incongruous to produce symmetry
Wave ridden by a dreamer in a happy dream
Where language is snow and stories are walls the tiny lit island surfaces
Span seconds to centuries
bridge edge to service
image to power
pillar to post
Wishes come true in the dry black box
that once held the wet globe of doubt